One hour of free IVR load testing

Discover the performance issues, integration challenges, and unknown unknowns that are impacting customer experience and costing your business revenue
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Green Hammer One logo on black background

Take our CX Health Check Quiz

66% of CX leaders don’t know how their contact centers are performing. With our CX Health Check assessment, you’re better informed and equipped
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Mortgage lender saves millions in downtime

Hammer’s automated inbound and outbound testing solutions are saving a mortgage leader millions. Download this case study to learn more
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Top down shot of busy corporate office with rows off businessmen and women working on desktop computers

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Join the Hammer partner community today

Take your CCaaS / UCaaS organization to the next level with full access to the Hammer suite of CX solutions, training, and more!
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Team with hands together in the air showing success

Leader in E2E Contact Center testing

30 years market leader in contact center testing market, icon
30 years
leading the Contact Center testing market
Global banks rely on Hammer, icon
global banks rely on Hammer and its proven technology
+1Bn customer interactions assured per day, icon
customer interactions assured per day
Global network channel partners & strategic alliances, icon
global network channel partners & strategic alliances

CX environments are complicated and costly. Is yours performing at its best?

Hammer (formerly Empirix) provides complete visibility across your entire CX environment so you can identify and resolve contact center technology issues before they cause downtime, outages, and customer churn.

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End-to-end Contact Center testing

From planning your next contact center update and expansion to deploying it and serving customers, Hammer’s automated testing and quality assurance solutions ensure that your CX environment is achieving optimal performance with minimal downtime and risk.

Planning and Development

01. Plan

Hammer Voice Explorer
Improve IVR performance  

Hammer CallMaster
Automated CX script design  


02. Test

Hammer On-demand QA
Transform QA testing  

Hammer On-demand Performance
Mimic real-world customer engagement  

Hammer End-to-End
Software for the 360 view  

Hammer RTC
Virtual agent simulation for cloud platforms  


03. Release

How Hammer helps

Reduce workload

Automate contact center testing and customer journey monitoring with a single platform

Support remote workers

Find and resolve performance and quality issues in even the remote parts of your network

Decrease costs

Use Hammer’s automated self-service solutions to accelerate testing time and free up resources

Accelerate cloud migration

Our vendor-agnostic solutions accelerate and de-risk contact center cloud migrations

Mitigate risk

Review your service architecture from the outside in to reduce MTTR and CX quality issues

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